
Effects of Alinea for K-12 SEN/ELL students

Alinea acts as a private teacher, providing reading and writing support. Alinea can be used to reduce learning barriers for students of any age or ability, including those with special educational needs (SEN), such as dyslexia, ADD and ADHD, ensuring everyone has a fair chance to excel.

Scientific research shows that:

  • the use of Alinea’s reading software has positive effects on comprehensive reading
  • using Alinea leads to texts with fewer spelling errors
  • SEN students experience reading with Alinea as less tiring and stressful
  • Alinea contributes to a longer read performance
  • Alinea increases feelings of self-confidence and quality of life

User stories

Alinea acts as a private language teacher, providing native reading and writing support in foreign languages. Be it through spell checking, applying the correct grammar or writings abstracts, Alinea boosts every user’s confidence and independence.

Cédric is a 10-year-old boy who just moved from France to Dubai. He only speaks French and goes to an international school where the common language is English. He is eager to learn. His teacher wants him to participate with the rest of the class as much as possible.

This is why Cédric uses Alinea by Lexima when studying for history and geography. Alinea reads text aloud and Cédric now hears the right pronunciation of words. He can also look up difficult words within the many dictionaries found in Alinea including a picture dictionary.








Sara is an 11-year-old girl who only speaks Arabic. She goes to an international school, so she has had to learn English. Although Sara likes school, her teacher has noticed she is making a lot of mistakes while writing. Although she has learned to write in Arabic, she is finding it difficult to learn a different alphabet. Unfortunately, Sara has become very insecure because of this. Her teacher wants to help Sara via using Alinea by Lexima.

With the help of Alinea Sara now works with customized speech-to-text functionality, word prediction and other product features that support composition, homophones and verbs. As a result, Sara is now much more confident and happier at school!